Career Profile

Software Engineer with 13+ years of experience in backend and frontend development. I have worked on large projects for the Brazilian government and the software industry, designing and implementing high-traffic, distributed, scalable, and reliable systems. I am still eager to learn new technologies and work on cutting-edge data engineering and systems development.


DBMS Software Engineer (collaborator)

2021 - 2022
DuckDB Labs, The Netherlands

DuckDB is an Open-Source OLAP Embedded DBMS. I’m currently overseeing day-to-day operations at DuckDB Labs. While also continuing C++ development in DuckDB. You can check my public PRs here.

Senior Software Engineer

2015 - Now
IFPR, Brazil

Computer Science Researcher

2014 - 2015

Software Engineer

2012 - 2014

IT Intern

HSBC Bank, Brazil

IT Intern (Software Engineer)

2009 - 2011

Scientific Publications & Blogposts


Storiks: A Framework to Evaluate Performance Interference on Key-Value Stores
A. Lang, T. R. Kepe, E. C. Almeida, M. Sunye
IEEE Access
Evaluation of Hash Join Operations Performance Executing on SDN Switches: A Cost Model Approach.
M.S. Franco, S. Dominico, T.R. Kepe, L.C.P. Albini, E.C. de Almeida, M.A.Z. Alves
Journal of Information and Data Management 13 (2)
Advancing Near-Data Processing with Precise Exceptions and Efficient Data Fetching.
S. Santos, T.R. Kepe, F.B. Moreira, P.C. Santos, M.A.Z. Alves
IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS)
Advancing Database System Operators with Near-Data Processing
S. Santos, T.R. Kepe, F.B. Moreira, M.A.Z. Alves
International Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP)


Performance Interference on Key-Value Stores in Multi-tenant Environments: When Block Size and Write Requests Matter
A. Lang, T. R. Kepe, M. Sunye
ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (LTB@ICPE)
Survey on near-data processing: Applications and architectures
A. S. Cordeiro, S. Santos, T.R. Kepe, F.B. Moreira, P.C. Santos, M.A.Z. Alves
Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems


Uncovering Performance Interference of Multi-Tenants in Big Data Environments
A. Lang, T. R. Kepe, E. C. Almeida, M. Sunye
IEEE BigData


Database Processing-in-Memory: An Experimental Study
T. R. Kepe, E. C. Almeida, M. A. Z. Alves
Proceedings of Very Large Data Bases (VLDB Endowment)


Database Processing-in-Memory: A Vision
T. R. Kepe
PhD Workshop, VLDB
Near-Data Filters: Taking Another Brick from the Memory Wall
D. G. Tome, T. R. Kepe, M. A. Z. Alves, E. C. Almeida


Intrinsics-HMC: An Automatic Trace Generator for Simulations of Processing-In-Memory Instructions
A. S. Cordeiro, D. G. Tome, T. R. Kepe, M. A. Z. Alves, E. C. Almeida


KSample: Dynamic Sampling Over Unbounded Data Streams
T. R. Kepe, E. C. Almeida, T. Cerqueus
National Symposium of Database (SBC - SBBD2015)